Quiz and Certificate Overview

Quiz Overview 

The following applies to all course quizzes.

The companion eBook should be thoroughly reviewed prior to attempting the quiz. 

Each quiz contains twenty-five (25) multiple choice questions

Course practice quiz questions are not graded. 

Upon completing the quiz, you will get an indication of correct answers out of total questions. You can check your answer once selected. Answers cannot be changed once checked. 

If upon checking your answer, it is incorrect, please review alternate answers prior to continuing.

Practice quizzes can be re-taken an unlimited number of times, without a waiting period.

When finished with the quiz click Complete and Continue. Clicking Complete and Continue ends your quiz session.

Questions on final assessment exams are graded and may have a time limit.

NOTE: Upon registration, participants access one additional course each month, while maintaining unlimited access to all previous courses. Students take all the time they need to complete the program and cancel membership at any time.

The program offers several certification opportunities, including the following Cryptocurrency Literacy Specialist certificates:

CLS General Level: Four 50-question domain level exams

CLS Professional Level: Eight 50-question exams (2.exams/ea. Domain)

CLS Advanced Level: Four 100-question domain level exams

CLS SME: Eight 100-question exams (2.exams/ea. Domain)

If you need assistance, or have questions, related to quizzes, or anything else, email Zengage Learning: Contact Us

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