Global Standards Alignment
Certify C3 - Cryptocurrency Core Competencies
Advanced Literacy Global Standards Alignment
Certify C3 is the preferred solution for acquiring, demonstrating, and validating advanced cryptocurrency literacy knowledge and skills that prepares students and teachers for successful career development and advancement. Zengage Learning, developer of Certify C3, has collaborated, partnered, and consulted, with some of the world's most well-known education standardizing organizations, making Cryptocurrency Core Competencies the only global standard for advanced literacy certification.
Cryptocurrency Advanced Literacy Research & Data
Certify C3 remains fully committed to conducting cryptocurrency, blockchain, and web3 academic research to ensure that our curriculum is aligned with standards that prepares teachers and students for maximum success.
Certify C3 Standards & Framework for Student and Teacher Learning Outcomes
The Certify C3 Financial Literacy Standards for learners and educators were developed to improve the quality and enhance the impact of our advanced cryptocurrency literacy program. These standards define what everyone should know about cryptocurrency, blockchain, and web3 across the core areas of this subject matter and the best practices for teaching cryptocurrency literacy.
Certify C3 Standards Alignment to Curriculum and Assessments
In addition to collaborating, and consulting, with a team of over two hundred academic professionals, and organizations, with varying industry focus, Zengage Learning’s Certify C3 Cryptocurrency Core Competency program staff utilized the following primary sources for consultation, research, standards alignment, and best practices data:
Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), is a comprehensive database of education research and information. ERIC is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences within the U.S. Department of Education.
ERIC can be used to understand standards alignment in the context of curriculum and assessment. Certify C3 uses ERIC to review the nature of academic standards, what an effective curriculum consists of, best practices for assessments, and to further understand what alignment means in the context of curriculum and assessment.
SkillsUSA is the largest US based vocational skills competition. Over 350,000 US students compete every year in one of the 99 career-based competitions. There is no comparable organization in the US. Collaborating with SkillsUSA has substantially benefited Certify C3 in establishing a foundation level certification for advanced cryptocurrency literacy knowledge and skills.
Global Digital Literacy Council
The Global Digital Literacy Council serves as an advisory body and as an authoritative voice on issues driving the development and implementation of global digital literacy standards and systems around the world. The Certify C3 Crypto Core Competencies program continues to value reviews by the Global Digital Literacy Council (GDLC) and recommendations from members of the council, to better attack the challenge of advanced cryptocurrency literacy needs at the foundation level. The council is made up of industry professionals, government leadership, and academicians who have a strong presence in cryptocurrency literacy concerns worldwide.
Meta (formerly the Facebook company) builds technologies that help people connect, find communities and grow businesses. Meta continues to be consulted by Certify C3 to gain a better understanding of how our advanced cryptocurrency literacy program, as a global knowledge and skills standard, can better prepare learners, parents, and educators with foundational knowledge needed to pursue careers and entrepreneurship in the cryptocurrency, blockchain, and web3 industries.
Certify C3 Cryptocurrency Advanced Literacy Global Standard domains one through four meet the requirements, for both teachers and students, to satisfy the ISTE Standard Alignment. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is the creator and steward of the definitive education technology standards in the United States. ISTE’s mission is to empower learners to flourish in a connected world by cultivating a passionate professional learning community, linking educators and partners, leveraging knowledge and expertise, advocating for strategic policies, and continually improving learning and teaching. Certify C3 uses ISTE assessment tools to align with the widely adopted National Educational Technology Standards (NETS).
The American Council on Education (ACE) is the USA's unifying voice for higher education. ACE serves as a consensus leader on key higher education issues and seeks to influence public policy through advocacy, research, and program initiatives. The Certify C3 program adheres to the ACE recommendation for college education in general education and cryptocurrency literacy.
National Coalition of Certification Centers
The National Coalition of Certification Centers (NC3) is committed to collaborating with industry partners and educational institutions to promote industry-recognized certifications. The NC3 network recognizes the critical nature of cryptocurrency literacy for career advancement and the value of Certify C3 Crypto Core Competencies as a credential that will make students and teachers more productive in their chosen pursuits.
UNESCO’s ‘Global Framework of Reference on Digital Literacy Skills’ aims to develop an indicator to measure progress against the Sustainable Development Goal on the percentage of youth and adults who have achieved at least a minimum level of proficiency in digital literacy skills. Certify C3, the leading cryptocurrency literacy global program, has thoroughly reviewed UNESCO’s digital skills framework and incorporated relevant parts of it to enhance our education goals. Certify C3 Crypto Core Competencies fully supports the UNESCO Sustainable Development Goals for digital education standards.
Quick Links: Global Standards - Program Introduction - Curriculum Overview - Goals, Objectives & Learning Outcomes - Quiz Overview - Testimonials - Support - Affiliate Program
Course Overviews: 1. History of Cryptocurrencies - 2. Understanding Crypto Coins - 3. Understanding Crypto Tokens - 4. Guide to Cryptocurrencies - 5. Buying & Selling Cryptocurrencies - 6. Cryptocurrency Markets - 7. Crypto Payment Networks - 8. How Cryptocurrencies Work - 9. Cryptocurrency Regulation - 10. Cryptocurrency Security - 11. Crypto Fundamental Analysis - 12. Crypto Technical Analysis